Saturday, October 10, 2009


Gwen used her potty for the FIRST time!!! I'd been putting the little seat on our toilet (someone had told me that it's better that way for some reason, can't remember what it was) and she would never go, but I moved it to the little potty and put her on right before her bath and, miracle, she went. I'm so excited that I had to blog about it right away - this just happened like an hour ago. I don't think she's on her way to being potty trained, she still thinks it's hilarious to pee on me and the floor after her bath, but I'm just glad she's figuring out what to do with the thing.


RachelAA said...

Seriously the pathway to successful potty training is the most exciting thing ever! And then the day they go and you didn't even know - ahhh pure bliss!

J. T. said...

Uh I don't get your little isuzu comment, your becca brain is so confusing sometimes.