Thursday, February 24, 2011

So Gwen Turned 3 Over a Month Ago

We were in Montana for Gwen's birthday, which worked out well because I think she had a certain image in her little mind of what her birthday party was going to be like (tons of little princessy girls all there to give her princessy presents), but that wasn't going to happen at our place since we recently moved and don't know very many people yet.
She loved having her great-grandmother, grandparents, aunts and uncles all showering her with attention. She got a special birthday dress, jewelry, tiara, makeup and nail polish which she basically wore the remainder of our stay.
There were also some big birthday balloons which had to be pried out of her sweaty fingers 2 hours after she went to bed because she didn't want to let them go.

1 comment:

J. T. said...

Hahahahaha omigosh, that outfit is priceless!! And I live that the cake is half eaten hahaha. Omigosh, wish we would have been there.