Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmassy Stuff - Santa and Parade

Coronado has put on some nice events for Christmas. They created a small snow-mountain (which we didn't do because the big kids seemed a little rough for the Gwenner), cookie decorating and meet Santa at the Ferry Landing. We don't give Gwen many cookies so she was especially excited that she got to decorate and then eat as many cookies as she wanted.
Gwen was too afraid of Santa to get out of the stroller and talk to him (and this was repeated at later Santa meetings as well, even though she kept saying she was "ok with Santa because he gives [her] candy canes.")
Some of the highlights of the parade: Ronald McDonald, Joseph and Mary on segways.

1 comment:

McLove said...

What in the world is up with the Segways? Hahahaaha!