Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Irvine Park

Saturday we went to Irvine Park and it was totally awesome. You pay to park (cheap) and the zoo is only $2 if you're over 3 - so our whole ginormous family got in for 4 bucks! Yiiiikes - you KNOW Ryan was loving that, haha.
Gwen loved the peacocks roaming around everywhere - but really REALLY loved this waterfall and kept telling us how beautiful it is.
Ryan loved feeding the animals and found a quarter in the food machine. If you know Ryan, you know how stoked that made him (on top of the cheap zoo).

My favorite part was brushing the tiny goats.
Logan slept the whole time.
The end.

1 comment:

McLove said...

How fun!! We will have to check it out sometime!