Sunday, September 9, 2012

Beach Memories

Summer Beach Video  Make sure you watch it in HD (select HD using the little button at the bottom right of the screen that looks like a gear)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

This is what a good baby looks like in case anyone was wondering

SD Zoo


Gma Talley's 92nd

WHEELS!!!! Yesssss

My Birthday

I had a great 30th birthday. 

 Had cake with my family and then spent the next two days laying beside a pool in Palm Springs with a few of my closest friends.  Pretty awesome.

Logan's Crazy

There was a backhoe loader on the other side of that fence.  I had to peel him off of it (the fence).

The Green Lizards

The Gweener's been doing spring soccer.  The above picture of her with the ball is a tad misleading - one of her few seriously competitive moments.  Although, I'm proud to say she did score a goal this season (two if you count the one against her own team).

Sea World

I love Sea World.  I may have already stated that fact on this blog, but really, I do.  It's the best.  For real...

Dress Ups

(try not to look at our filthy mirror - - - you just looked didn't you.  Stop it.)

Waiting for Tacos in the barrio


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Someone (who shall remain nameless) breaks a couple eggs on the carpet and suddenly we're all locked out of the fridge.